Seth MacFarlane has a schtik. A very good schtik, but a schtik nonetheless. It's crude and extra (as in over-the-top for no particular reason) with a hint of intelligence. This movie is no different, and I guess I don't know why I expected it to be. But seeing some of the scenes that are normally reserved for his 'toons play out in real life was were a bit disturbing (e.g. cartoon violence is funny... in a cartoon). However, the actual story of the movie was decent. Starting with a novel concept of a "Pinocchio"-esque wish fast-forwarded 25 years, we see a man unwilling to grow up and a toy that never has to. It's a mash-up of all of the Family Guy characters (less the never-interesting Meg) learning to be decent people. In short, it's a good buddy movie... for the most part.
Verdict: Wait if you've ever seen an episode of Family Guy (rent it)
Verdict: Wait if you've ever seen an episode of Family Guy (rent it)