Sunday, March 25, 2012

Project X: absolute mayhem

It's pretty much Superbad, on speed, and with far more drugs.  And overall destruction: bodies, minds, and neighborhoods. I get a good prominence-from-nothing story, but this...the nerdy kid throws the party, adds ridiculous amounts of people (more than the kid has ever known), X, and pot and then of course sex and vandalism ensue.  All I could do was sit in the theater, mouth agape, and pray that it stopped, or at least at some point became apologetic. It never did.  No morals, consequences, or lessons.  Just one raucous party that took out a suburban col-de-sac.  I worry for young people.
Verdict: only if you are curious how bad can bad be (Skip)

Safe House: needed...something...

Simply put, this movie was lacking. Lacking a story, lacking development, lacking purpose.  To be fair, the story was focused: get a criminal mastermind into the Fed's custody.  But the catch is that it will take a junior FBI agent two hours to do it.  Nothing else... just the logistics.  No real backstory for why the characters are the way they are.  No real motives.  Just killing and transporting.  I really have nothing else to say about that...
Verdict: why would you? (skip)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oscar Race 2012

Same drill: the first column is who/what I wanted to win, and the second pertains to who I thought would actually win.  So, do note, because they often differ, I just randomly guess at who will actually win, so take it for what it is… 3 out of 9 is a terrible batting average (but no one saw Meryl's upset or the sweep of The Artist coming).

Academy Award Category
My Vote
My Prediction
Best Picture
The Artist
The Artist
Best Actor
Demian Bichir
George Clooney
Best Actress
Rooney Mara
Viola Davis
Best Supporting Actor
Christopher Plummer
Christopher Plummer
Best Supporting Actress
Melissa McCarthy
Octavia Spencer
Best Director
Martin Scorsese
Terrence Malik
The Artist
The Girl w/ the Dragon...
Adapted Screenplay
The Ides of March
Original Screenplay