Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jack Reacher: empty fun

So, regardless of my personal feelings for Tom Cruise, it is undeniable that he is a pretty good actor. He makes decent movie decisions but always delivers an outstanding performance; it was nice to be reminded of that. Jack Reacher is a well-done film about a bad-ass cop solving a really hard case.  It's like Die Hard, but less improbable/ extravagent.  It is unfortunate that it comes at a bad time, on the heels of the Newtown incident, as it's about solving a senseless and random shooting.  Though you really don't get why this nomadic hermit is as good as he is or as involved as he is, you learn to appreciate his presence and style in the investigation.  Though violent, it's not excessively graphic so that you can still enjoy the victory in getting the bad guy.
Verdict: Catch the matinee (discount) 

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