Friday, December 28, 2012

Wreck-it Ralph: pretty good

When Alan Horn came to visit one of my classes this year, one of the movies he gave a resounding endorsement was Wreck-It Ralph.  While not my favorite animated film of recent years, it was pretty clever.  While we get to appreciate the fish-out-of-water feeling that Ralph tries to combat (and the lengths he goes through to fit in), it takes some fairly dark turns for a movie mostly set in an arcade version of "Candyland."  And it is because of these deviations from a traditional bubble-gum kids movie that it is a good movie for a grown-up who just wants to see a wholesome yet interesting story.  Additionally, Pixar/Disney (but mainly, Pixar) does a fantastic job of not only personifying mundane objects but also romanticizing the forgotten.  From Toy Story to Wall-E, there is the overt reminder that "old" does not mean irrelevant and should not be discarded as such.  Wreck-It Ralph is no exception.
Verdict: Good choice (worth it)

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